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- Cyprian Wright died by drowning in Muscopog Pond according to the vital records of Rutland, Worcester Co., MA p.255.
His father, Samuel, died just six months before on January 15, 1739/40.
He and his family were early inhabitants of Rutland, Worcester county, MA. His father, Capt. Samuel Wright owned Lot # 1 and Cyprian owned Lot # 2.
Early Worcester County, MA Probate Records
Cyprian Wright of Rutland, Worcester Co. [Record # 57,737]
Cyprian Wright died at Rutland, intestate, and on 11 July, 1739 an inventory of his property was taken by Joseph Stearns, John Hubbard, and Moses How. The estate came to £ 726 which included stock, house lot # 2, five acres of Pine Plain and a right in undivided lands at Rutland, [2:409] on 24 July 1739, an administrators' bond was issued to Hannah Wright, widow, with Frank Fink, clerk, and William Wright, (brother) yeoman, as sureties, all of Rutland. Hannah signed in her own name. [179:341]
The administrators' account was dated 16 May 1745 and was submitted by Timothy Brown and Hannah Brown, formerly Hannah Wright. It indicated that the widow has received her thirds and that the other two thirds had beeb divided among the children who were not named, that the eldest son, William receiving double share and the two other children, Samuel and John, receiving single shares. [5:352]
Early Worcester County, MA Probate Records.
Esq. Samuel Wright of Rutland, Worcester Co. [ Case No. 67,824]
Samuel Wright, Esq. of Rutland left his entire estate, with the exception of specific cash bequests, to his son, William who was also to be the sole executor. The three sons of Samuel's deceased son, Cyprian, viz: William, Samuel and John, were to receive £10 each when they reached age twenty-one to make up for the part of Cyprian's share he had not received. To his daughters, Samuel left: £25 in one year to Hannah Rice; £25 in two years to Mary Willard; £25 in three years to Dorothy Felps; £15 in four years to Abigail Willard, and 20 shillings to Isabel Frink, all bequests bringing the daughters up to their full shares. Samuel signed his will before John Fletcher, William Fenton and Hezekiah Fletcher on 30 June 1739, and it was allowed on 5 Feb. 1739/40