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FREEMAN Ralph Gershon Jr.[1]

Male 1662 - 1725  (63 years)

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  • Name FREEMAN Ralph Gershon Jr. 
    Birth 20 Apr 1662  Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 15 Aug 1725  Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Notes for RALPH JR. FREEMAN:


      In the 17th century, when Europeans arrived in the area, Native
      Americans from two tribes, the Wampanoag and the Narragansett lived
      on opposite banks of the Ten Mile River. The Naragansetts carried
      out numerous raids on their neighbours before the English aquired
      waterfront land from the Wampanoags which served to separate the two
      Captain Thomas Willett, who succeeded Miles Standish as head of
      Plymouth's Colonial Militia, negotiated the Rehoboth "North Purchase"
      from the Wampanoag leader, "Wamsutta", Massasoit's son. This purchse
      included today's Attleborough and North Attleborough and the upper
      Ten Mile River area. Captain Willett later became the first English
      Mayor of New York.
      The Ten Mile River area has rocky edges, deeply shaded pine
      woods, open hardwood forests, fields, streams, swamps and bogs. The
      English built the first grain and saw mills here as did David
      Freeman, son of Ralph Freeman of Dedham, Ma. (Attleboro Town Records)
      Later, the Naragansett leader resented the movement of the
      English into these areas and this led to "King Philip's War" in 1675.
      This area suffured greatly with many communities been attacked and
      burned, including Rehoboth. The Narragansett's were totally wiped
      out and it was a number of years before the Colonies recovered from
      the war.

      Bristol County Probate Record, September 29th 1724,

      In Ralph Freeman's Will, August 14,1725 describes himself as a
      Cooper, Registered September 29, 1929 in 5th book of wills 170: 171:
      172 by Stephen Paine, Register for Bristol County.

      In the Name of God, Amen, the fourteenth Day of August 1725 I Ralph
      Freeman of the Town of Attleborough in ye County of Bristol, Cooper
      being Sick and Weak in Body but of perfect Mind and memory, Thanks be
      given to God: Therefore calling to mind the mortality of my Body, and
      knowing that it is appointed for all men once to dye, do make and
      Ordain This My Last Will & Testament. That is to Say, Principally,
      and first of all, I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God
      that gave it; and my Body I Recommend to the Earth, to be Buried in
      Decent Christian Burial at the discretion of my Executors; Nothing
      doubting, but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the Same
      again by the Almighty Power of God. And as Touching Such Worldly
      Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I
      give, Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner & Form

      Imprimis, I give and bequeath to My Dearly beloved Wife, a Third
      Part of my whole Estate in Lands Measuages and Tenements, by her
      freely to be Possessed and Enjoyed, during The Time She Remains my
      Widdow; and at the Time of Her marrying again, or Deceased without
      marrying; I Will that the aforesaid Third part of my Estate in Lands
      Measuages and Tenements, be Returned to my Beloved Son Ralph Freeman,
      to be By him & his Heirs and Asigns Frely Possessed and enjoyed for
      ever, without Let or hinderance. I Likewise give and Bequeath to my
      Dearly Beloved Wife all my Household Goods to be by her Possessed and
      Enjoyed during ye Term of her Life and at her Deceased, I eill that
      they be Returned to my Well Beloved Daughters Sarah and Hannah. I
      also give and Bequeath unto my Well Beloved Wife Ten Sheep and a
      horse to be by her Received of my Executors imediately after my
      Decease, by her freely to be possessed and Enjoyed for ever to her

      Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto My well Beloved Son Jeremiah
      Freeman, Five Shillings to be paid ( after my Deceased ) by my
      Executor, to be Raised and Levied out of my Estate.

      .Turn Over. Imprimis (page 1)
      _________ ____

      Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto My Well-beloved Son Ralph Freeman
      whome I Likewise Constit & make and Ordain My Sol Executrix of this
      my Last Will and Testament (to Receive all Debts which is in any ways
      Due to me, and to say all Lawfull Debts and demands which is owing by
      me.) All and Singular my Lands measuage and Tenaments as also My
      Stock of Cattle, Sheep, Cart and all my Husbandry Tools, to him his
      Heirs and Asigns for Ever to Possess and Enjoy.

      Imprimis I give and Bequeath unto my Well-beloved Daughters Sarah
      and Hannah all my household Goods to be Equally Divided between Both
      Saving only a Bead which I Will to my Daughter Hannah over and above
      to be by them Received of my Executrix imediately after my Wife's
      Deceased. Also I give & Bequeath to my Daughter, Hannah one cow (out
      of My Stock of Cattle) to be by her Received of My Executrix one year
      after my Deceased.

      Imprimis, I give and Bequeath unto my Well-beloved Grand Children
      Samuel and John Freeman Ten Pounds to Each, Current Money to be Payed
      to them when they Come of Age, by my Executrix to be Raised and
      Levyed out of my Estate but if they Dye before they Come to Age it is
      not to Return to their Executors but to my Executor againe. And I do
      hereby Disalow, revolk and ? all and every other formmer Testaments,
      Wills, Legacies and Bequests, and Executors, by me in any ways before
      Named, Willed and Bequeathed, Ratifying and Confirming This and no
      other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Witness where I have here
      unto Set My hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written

      Signed, Sealed, Published, Ralph Freeman Sen'r
      Pronounced and Declared by ye Said Ralph Freeman as his Last Will and
      Testament in the Presents of us the Subscribers
      Pentecost Blackmon
      Abigail X Maxcey
      (her Mark)
      George Allen

      RALPH FREEMAN'S INVENTORY ( as of July 19th, 1726 by son Ralph
      Freeman, Jr.)

      We the subscribers who ware Chosen and Appointed to praise the Estate
      of Ralph Freeman of Attleborough in the County of Bristol Lat
      Deceased have praised sd Estate as
      imprimis to his house and Land 350-50-00
      item to his money 18-12-00
      item to money owed by bonds and / 22-00-00
      item to his wareing Aparil 6-5-00
      item to three Cows 13-00-00
      to one grove of Sheep 8-00-00
      his Cart and Whels- 4-10 his plow and horse--- 5-12-00
      his Coopers tools 2-17-6 his grindstone 3-1-06
      item to his falling axes and long 00-14-00
      item to his Barels tubs and milk vesels 4-6-00
      Chests and tables 1-10-chairs and Whels 1-11-6 3-1-06
      his best Bed and furniture 13-10 his Books 2-0 15-10-00
      item to another Bed and furniture 12-10-00
      to sheeps wool and one pare of sheep shears 3-17-00
      Box iron heaters and lamp 0-12 Bag sive cord 8- 01-00-00
      Table Lining 2-10: puter and earthen vesels 4-16-00
      item to one hors and furniture (2 6) 10-00-00
      to two swine 2-10: to pots Ketles & trumels 2-14 5-4-00
      item to his warming pan 00-16-00
      item to bels locks and chees fats 00-18-00
      to one sithe and siths tacklin for two sithes 00-16-00

      Thomas Wilmouth
      Hezekiah Peck
      Edward Capron
      __________________________________________ ____

      Attleborough Town Records, 1699-1789

      "A stray Horse taken up by Ralph Freeman of Attleborough the 9th of
      Jan 1722/23 of a dark bay colour with a star on his forhead & his
      near feet are white. Branded on the near Butock with an uncertain

      More About RALPH JR. FREEMAN:
      Fact 1: August 14, 1725, Will, at Taunton, MA
    Person ID I3188  Freeman-Smith
    Last Modified 10 Apr 2024 

    Father FREEMAN Ralph Sr.,   b. 14 Dec 1629, St. Peters, Cornhill, London, England Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 25 May 1718, Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 88 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother LYON Katherine,   b. 1635, MA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1718 (Age 83 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Marriage 21 Oct 1652  Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F3190  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family DAY Sarah,   b. 14 Jun 1664, Springfield, Hampden Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Sep 1716, Springfield, Hampden Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 52 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1689 
     1. FREEMAN Hannah  [natural]
     2. FREEMAN Jeremiah,   b. 08 Aug 1689, Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     3. FREEMAN Benjamin,   b. 06 Jul 1693, Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 01 May 1724, Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 30 years)  [natural]
     4. FREEMAN Sarah,   b. 06 May 1700, Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this location  [natural]
     5. FREEMAN Ralph,   b. 20 May 1703, Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Apr 1777, Richmond, Cheshire Co., NH Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 73 years)  [natural]
    Family ID F3188  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 10 Apr 2024 

  • Sources 
    1. [S985] Edited by: Don Gleason Hill, Town of Dedham MA 1636-1659.

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